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타이멘 Catch & Release 가이드라인 본문

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타이멘 Catch & Release 가이드라인

flycaster 2011. 6. 9. 11:16




   Nice anglers release beauty Taimen


   Release big Taimen in front of Egin gol fishing camp

   Release at Egin gol


   Release at Numrug




Catch & Release Guidelines for Taimen

  Fishing using only single hooks without barbs, especially treble hooks, can make

removal of the hook difficult and can harm the fish more

l        Do not exhaust the fish to its limit. A prolonged struggle will decrease its chance of survival

l       When landing the fish, keep the Taimen in the water at all times!! Do not drag it onto bank. only hold the fish

     out of the water for a photograph

l       Gently remove the hook with hands or pliers. If the hook is deeply imbedded, cut the fishing line;the hook will

     eventually disintegrate and thus do less harm to the fish

l       Handle the fish under water & avoid touching its gills or eye. A fish out of water quickly begins lack of oxygen.

l       Do not put your hands in the gills to grab the fish, this will cause eventual death

To revive the fish, hold it under water by its tail with its head facing current and move it back and forth so that

     the fish can get enough oxyzen. Then release it onto slow current as soon as it regains strength and begins to struggle


Let’s enjoy fishing in Mongolia rivers, Good luck and Tight lines!!
